@PatriarchPrimus @mikias83644846 @TatianJnr @GmTimobo24
My fellow based and distinguished African-American gentleman,
I have gathered you here on this thread to address the problems with in our community. So let us begin.
I come under a particular type of despondency, one that feels almost clinical rather than seasonal, when I see the videos that inhabit this site; the ones where they show our people acting like the animals they've been called historically.
But we personally do not need the utility of the video format to inform us of this type of behavior. We've seen it on a first-hand basis, and maybe have even been involved in that type of behavior before that, by the grace of God, we no longer are.
It is precisely this first-hand experience that gives us the edge to properly diagnose the specific problems that plague our community; much better than one from the outside could ever do.
It is also this first hand experience that has led me to the possibly capricious conclusion that there exist no conceivable solution to fix the problems with in the community as a whole. We know our people to be particularly stubborn, stiff-necked and stuck in their ways.
But a problem must be solved with a solution that is either equal to it in some degree, or far surpasses it to some measure. And I have a few solutions that may do both. And after I present mine, you can, if you so choose, present yours afterwards.
Time is precious to us in these fleeting hours gentlemen; the country seems to be at a climatic breaking point. So before the whole edifice falls to the ground, let us make sure that we get as many people out of the building as we possibly can.
And in that building are our people, some of who are contributing to the destruction of the edifice, and others who are not, but who, nonetheless, do not know how to evacuate the building. Those are the ones we are here to save in my opinion.
If you feel differently, please express so in the comments below. Anyhow,

Here are the solutions that I present to you:
1. We pray and try to bring the vast majority of African-Americans to Orthodoxy. This is THE MOST ideal solution, but I must personally confess, not the most practical. For one, we do not at all, in any measure, appeal to the vast majority of African-Americans.
This of course is no fault of the Church, but the fault of the Protestant and Evangelical denominations; who have sold a narrative of not only Roman Catholicism, but also our Holy Orthodoxy, being pagan in origins, nature and disposition.
This narrative was most likely handed down to some of you when you were younger as it was to me. But by the grace of God, we all broke through that lie and found the true Church in all her holiness. Many such cases! But not enough to make a dent.
This queer narrative runs through the mind of almost every African-American, and it has become almost a kin to a dogmatic truism amongst them. They don't budge on it when you challenge it.
Any sort of push back against this false notions is then put under the guise of "demon possession" or you being "possessed by the devil". As men committed to Christ, this accusation most likely puts you in a state of befuddlement, anger, and crestfalleness.
It hurts to be accused of not having Love for Christ; but it hurts more so when it come from a loved one. I sympathize with any of you who has experience something like this, or something analogous to it. I envy the ones who didn't.
That aside, this notion is held to in a stubborn manner, similar to that of an independent African-American female who has no need for the opposite gender's assistance.
And other such notions like it are the same; our people have been so brainwashed, that my reason does not allow me to see how this most ideal solution should ever come to fruition. But God is a God of miracles, and in him, nothing is impossible.
So while I personally do not see the practical execution of this solution, it still nonetheless, is the most ideal and should be considered. Of course prayer will continue whether it is this solution or not.
2. We take all of the Based, redpilled, Christian, Conservative, Hi-IQ African americans, house them somewhere nice-- a village or a spacious mountain side, or some where in Texas, have them procreate, and restart the whole race.
I'm not even joking with you right now. I feel like this is very practical in some ways, save for others, but not at all ideal. It is practical in the sense that it gets us what we want in the most efficient manner; Smart, based, Christian African-Americans.
But the logistics of this operation may be such that it makes this solution totally impossible and ,thus, wholly impractical. But at the same time, if the logistics of this are in any way possible and are executed in a way that makes it successful, then we get the W.
We get a whole new distinguished population (Black People vs. The "Niggas") with a new separate culture, based on Orthodox Christian morals, values and community, high educational value and standards and strong work ethics.
Along with being republican, which is merely the icing on the cake, and you have a fully revived, highly magnanimous, Hi-IQ, hardcore Orthodox Christian (Most important aspect.) successful African-American population.
This distinction will cause us to have to call the ones who are not part of the group, The "Niggas": the thugs, hoes, homos, weirdos, thiefs, robbers, murderers, gossipers, and any sin you can think of, who give us a horrible name and reputation.
We won't be all exclusive; we can allow the ones who subscribe to our beliefs, values and dispositions into the new community. But of course, the famous dictum come to mind, "Quality over quantity".
This solution may not be ideal, and may not even be practical. But I fancy it, along with the first solution.
3. The last one. We do both 1 and 2. This is, in my view the most ideal and the most practical because it gives us the opportunity to see which solution will either succeed or fail first. If one solution fails, then the other will succeed.
Thus I conclude. sorry for the long ass thread, lol. Tell me what you think and how much of a loser I am but dont be gay about it.
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