Reposting some lovely Ramadan facts to help others understand what Ramadan is all about and what the impact of it will be this year.
1. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar & lasts around 30 days.
2. The Islamic calendar follows the lunar calendar, which is why Ramadan starts about 10/11 days earlier each year.
3. It’s a month for us to focus on spiritual discipline & be grateful for what we have.
4. We fast from sunrise to sunset (not even water), which will be about 16 hours this year.
5. Ramadan is not just about abstaining from food but also practicing charity, patience and kindness.
6. It means a lot to us when you wish us a ‘Happy Ramadan’
7. It’s absolutely ok to eat or drink around us so don’t apologise!
8. Our sleeping pattern and caffeine intake changes so we may seem tired. We don’t expect special treatment while fasting but it would be kind to check our preference for meeting times.
9. Ramadan is difficult during lockdown. This is our second Ramadan during the pandemic and it can feel lonely whilst the days are longer and we can’t see family or friends. Do check on your Muslim friends and colleagues during this month.
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