Things Men do that is underrated.

A man propose: this feels normal because it's the man who is in search of a wife, but it is honestly not easy, some have to kneel, some do get declined, even in the wooing stage, trying to balance everything just to get the woman....damn Men deserves love for this.
A Man leads: a man have to be strong mentally, emotionally and financially to be a great leader in his home, seems easy but it's not.
A Man protects: a man who can't protects his family isn't ready for a family, they take care of the minor electric activities in the house, they check out the pipes, the gas, generators, the cars, they make sure everything is safe and sound before leaving the house.
A Man provides: shelter is a big burden to an average man, but men strives, push so hard to get a roof over his head and family's. fees, and other impromptu activities are there too. So a man is expected to be two steps ahead of the situation and circumstances around the home
There are more, and I'm not trying to be gender biased but sometimes men don't get the respect they deserve. God bless every woman(helper) supporting their men, making their men the real heroes they should be. Thank you.
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