Since tomorrow is Ramadhan so I would like to resolve this issue regarding BIDDING. For my non-muslim moots you can ignore this or you can read if you're interested in islamic finance

I consulted with peers taking islamic finance and also read some article myself. pls read. ++
Why i'm doing this? it's because to stop canceling culture from tox1c teume that has been going on. i only judge based on hukm not others opinion. For those who don't know about bidding please be educated.
Also i want this thread to be as a gift since tomorrow is Ramadhan
I'm proud to say, Islam is one of religion that talks about business (muamalat). It is one of maqasid shariah which comprise of ibadah, muamalat, munakahat and jinayat. and our Prophet is a businessman himself handling his uncle, Abd Mutalib goods in Syam since a teenager
Bidding is permissible with proper guidelines. Al-Bukhari included this hadith in a chapter titled “Bay` al-Muzaayadah (Selling by Auction).”
Jabir said: A man had decided that a slave of his would be manumitted after his death, but later on he was in need of money, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) took the slave and said, “Who will buy this slave from me?” ++
Nuaym ibn Abdullah bought him,& the Prophet handed the slave over to him. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
From here there are 3 things to point out:
1. liberating a slave
2. saving a bankrupt man from debt
3. Open an auction and start the bidding with a high price to the highest bidder
How does bidding works?
In an auction, vendors offer goods at a certain price. if the vendors and buyers will negotiate by offering higher price
so most of you who don't understand. why a high price? its to control the market or bidding process as discussed by researchers (Jamalludin , 2011)
what actually can be auction? Basically anything that has value or rare. You can't decide what is the fair price for that good. So we will use this bidding system to determine the fair price between buyers
what are the guidelines of selling in an auction?
It MUST NOT CONTAIN riba, gharar (uncertainty), maysir (usury), najash (trickery) (Jamaludin ,2011)
1. gharar (uncertainty)- meaning the good is real not imaginary, if there is defect should be spoken
2. riba (addition/exploitation) - there is no increase in payment if the payment is made late
3. maysir (usury) - does not involve luck or there is no starting fee. if there is should be refundable
4. najash (trickery)
-the buyer present must HAVE INTENT TO BUY
-does NOT COMPLOT with seller to inflate price artificially
Thats the end of the thread. i hope takde ye yg acah woke attack lg padahal die tk phm business.

Yg nak menganjing I..iyelah akak ustazah kita je yg salah..bguslah korg sedar..harap berubah ya jgn acah sedar kt twitter ja
no more complaints about this issue anymore..the nature of bidding is only for those interested as in the hadith. You can buy if you can afford and also with niyah to help the seller, that's is much better as in the hadith too.
kalau ada tk puas hati tu or buat tk phm lg tu.. it only means one thing
"It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” bill murray

yg nk gaduh psal bid lg tu..jmpe I kt akhirat je la pasni.
only share this thread for good purposes. I don't condone to scamming or tricking people
lastly, pls stream BOY ye. Why? its like a grop assignment with 100marks but there's a person didn't do their part but also want that marks. Rasa nak kick je en org mcm taw malu..jd stream ye..bole pkai playlist & macrorecorder time ramadhan
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