Got the J&J (Janssen) yesterday and I am going to tweet the results as a sort of PSA.

The initial injection is short and sharp, and feels like someone gave you a Charlie horse. The nurse will ask you to stay around for 15 minutes in case of adverse reaction. You can joke about
About this. They will not laugh.

In the immediate hours after, I felt nothing, (though my wife w/ Lupus begin to flare pretty quickly and has stayed that way since.)

At about the 6 hour mark, my eyes begin to feel warm and then I got full body baseball bat.

My teeth begin to
chatter like I was an animatronic skeleton. Full body shivers ripped through me, like the Texas blizzard had come back, and I began to cough like I was trying hack up a boa constrictor.

I took three heavy blanks and proceed to cocoon myself on a floor mat next to my wife.
From there you would think it was a den of lepers, just two human beings, moaning in misery. (Also my thighs and feet/ankles ache and I don't know if this is because of the vax or leg day).

After about six hours of intermittent unconsciousness, 11 hours after initial
administration, I am conscious again and the chattering has gone away. I still feel a cold in my legs and my head/eyes still feel hot.

Wifey is still sleeping/flaring, so I will attend to her.

I will update this thread with any new developments.
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