i dont think yall realize how fucked ur head must be when u have both the attack titan and the founding titan. this is not to justify eren’s actions OF COURSE but the point of eren’s character in 139 is to show how fucked up he is not to downgrade his character
yall made up a completely version of eren in your head and ran with it. it’s almost like... he’s 19, he has both the future and the past in his mind, the founding titan has been fcking with his head for years and his “i don’t know” when asked why he did what he +
+ did is to show how extremely messed up he was. we also got an answer (grisha telling him he’s free). he felt trapped his whole life and he wanted to be free and the powers he got from his dad made it worse. +
+ also this is what historia said about frieda
frieda’s behavior is similar to eren’s, grisha’s, and ymir’s it comes from having a power way whos way bigger than you. u become a trascendental god who has a connection to all eldians and u think this isnt gonna fuck up w ur head? lmao.
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