tw mafia mention
educational thread on why Italians didn't react well to yesterday's situation. please spred awareness by retweeting.
(ps: when I say you its generic, I dont mean every single one of you)
a musical group made a romantic song called mafia in the morning
what is mafia and why you shouldn't say it's a concept or (even worse) an aesthetic
so many people have died and it's not a free topic to joke about.
to those who have said "mafia isnt just in Italy" and so? it's still not okay to romanticize it. we, as italians, get it more personal because that's one of the first words you all think about when Italy comes to your minds.
and it's sad, very sad, that you guys tell us to "shake it off" as if we are exaggerating. it's disappointing that you feel like it's cool because it's all about power... well it's not cool, not at all
we didn't say that the song is (or is gonna be) bad, we just said to educate yourself on the topic. I don't think it's much to ask.
it's like when you started singing bella ciao because of a TV serie without knowing the history behind the song.
and please, dont claim that you understand how we feel just because mafia isnt just in Italy. it's not the same. you dont feel a tag on your shoulders everytime you say your nationality to an international person.
its extremely stereotypical. even thinking that is full of romantic passion because some films showed you love stories with criminals. that's not what we want to be defined with.
believe me, I'm doing this thread as politely as possible. I'm sorry if the situation overwhelms some of you or some of us. its important for us to know that we and our historical background are equally respected as everyone's. (we respect your history, now it's your turn to
respect ours! please dont talk about the topic if you dont fully know what it is or if you think that is a soft topic).
I'll link useful threads I've seen this morning. please, keep a calm tone if you decide to reply.
if you're italian and you wanna add something, feel free to
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