My vaccination wishlist for information today:
- General availability for vaccination date.
- Update on Lot 210102.
- Information about any additional new BioNTech doses.

If she is taking questions, can *somebody* please ask about these three things?
I can provide the background information you need to make the questions valuable via DM. (Or you can read my old threads, but they're not organized for brevity.)
General availability: new vaccine appointment signup is currently well below replacement, meaning that we have significant under-utilization of our dose administration capacity. Addition of people aged 16-29 likely will not meaningfully impact appointment availability.
Lot 1B002A: we will exhaust our doses by April 18 according to my models. Do we have more doses on their way? Will we resume using Lot 210102? Are we going to have to suspend the program again because of lack of available doses?
Lot 210102: This lot expires on June 30. We will be discarding doses from that lot because we can't use them fast enough. Do we have assurances of replacement from Fosun/BioNTech?
Shamelessly tagging in some reporters that Aaron tagged on my previous questions thread:

@gigi_choy @racporter @JournoDannyAero @candicewongky @hkchrislau @chris2_kan @richardjpyne @Steve_Dunthorne

(At the end of this thread so you shouldn't get too many notifications. ❤️)
You can follow @nathanhammond.
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