the main two things about marc spector that make him interesting is two things: he has did (dissociative identity disorder), and khonshu, the egyptian god of the moon that would guide and save marc and leave him on a different path. (1/???)
to understand his personalities, you need to get a basis of did. that being said, did is when a person's mind splits into different personalities, usually really different from one another. theres for sure more to it, but for the sake of moon knight they leave it at that.
those multiple personalities are as follows: jake lockley, steven grant, mr knight. moon knight isnt a personality, because marc spector IS moon knight, hes the one in the suit running around. now that we have the personalities down, let's actually talk about it.
did is something they didnt reveal he had until the 2016 jeff lemire run. they havent cleared up if he's always had it, or if its just khonshu messing with him since he saved him.
i assume marc was chosen to be moon knight because of his broken and distressed mind, especially after being a soldier and doing the terrible things hes done as a mercenary. hes always been a bit on the crazy side even then, but this distressed mind is what makes him one of the-
most interesting characters in marvel comics. these personalities are used to help him as moon knight, jake lockley is an aggressive and mean taxi driver that gives marc connections so he can solve crimes. steven grant is a millionaire who usually funds moon knight's ops or-
donates to charities. hes the one whos usually left out since he pays the bills in the background, but doesnt do much past that. mister knight is NOT moon knight, hes a different personality. rather than law breaking moon knight, he follows the law and does work according to law.
hes usually taken over when the operation is more detective work and less combat and action, one might argue hes the cleanest at what he does. and the debate is if its marc under the mask or a seperate persona, i argue seperate since he acts differently from marc under the mask-
and almost never consults to khonshu or marcs purpose khonshu gave him. these different personalities are made to help marc spector's activities as moon knight. so now we move on to khonshu, the one that saved marc and put him on the path hes on now. to be clear, hes not really-
a bad god, he operates differently from humans, and everything he does to marc is to push him forward. but marc disagrees and their relationship is a mess. they argue like a married couple yet stay on the same side of things.
with that being said khonshu is the reason there is a moon knight, is a reason marc is alive, is a reason marc is doing what he's doing. depending on the writers hes changed a lot, in the huston run hes bushman's mangled face pasted onto many objects, making marc question if the
objects hes looking at are even real. in the lemire run hes a white body with a crow like head. his character appearances change but thats besides the point. marc was chosen by khonshu because he was already broken, already stressed, and finding a way out of the things hes done.
then, theres captain america, spider-man, and wolverine inside his head. i personally dislike the concept but it serves as another crack in the mind of an already broken man. theyre in the end voices, but he does use their powers and weapons in that run.
so all that.. khonshu, MULTIPLE personalities, different superheroes, but hes always moving forward. his character is flawed, messes up, but he always pushes forward. and thats where we get to jeff lemire's moon knight, where one of the greatest moments in comic history happens.
his character has always suffered with mental problems, and usually relied on khonshu to help him since he was a lost soul. he lost friends, everyone for khonshu, he felt he owed it to him. and finally, in the 14 issue run, khonshu sets him out on a journey in his mind to-
reconcile with all his personalities. as big of a task as it is, he sees their perspectives, their motives, their way of doing things, and he accepts them for who they are. in his final confrontation with khonshu, he ends his connection with him. this is big for his character-
since it puts some peace to his mind, something hes never been able to have for a long time. hes always used khonshu to help him deal with his personalities, but never thought khonshu was wrong until now. and this allows him to accept his dissociative identity disorder.
this allows him to see peace with himself, be free, be who he wants, be ultimately, himself. and youd think with all this madness, hes not relatable, but the truth is he is. hes a representation of endurance, powering through, struggles, and abt coming to terms with yourself.
hes a character whos fought long and hard to find peace, to find a long moment of triumph, much like everyone else. hes a character who never gives up, no matter how many blocks his must avoid. and thats what makes him spectacular.
while hes had his craziest moments and unexpected changes, his character is one big metaphor for never giving up.
forgot to add that they imply khonshu is real plenty of times, but the writers write his existence and questioning from marc's perspective. its pretty neat. thank yall for reading lol
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