Okay I am seeing a lot of gamedev twitter talking about QA.

Here is my take. Not only are QA real game developers, they are skilled game developers and vital to the financial success of a title.

Also they are the second most fun at gamedev parties after the sound designers.
I mean, sure, take home an artist or animator, you won't be dissapointed... but if you are after crazy shennanigans at 4am, hang out with the QA team.

Just wear eye protection.
Good QA people can fuck your game up in seconds. Seconds.

Did some solid game design? Ha ha, how adorable.

*wiggle, wiggle tap, tap* broke it.

Then they have the audacity, after they destroy your confidence, to be funny as fuck.

The assholes.
Also QA people always stand their rounds at the pub. Not like those shifty people in management. No, the QA team who are woefully underpaid, not only bring in the booze, they buy a bag of potato chips and rip it open for everyone to share too.
QA people are also generous lovers, always tip baristas and are excellent, excellent I tells ye, at looking after your pets whilst you are away.

Good QA people have infinite patience and methodical precision. They are like Sherlock Holmes, sniffing out your mechanisms.
You watch a QA maestro at work, and you can see the cogs whirring as they home in on issues using logical problem solving. It's actually a delight to watch sometimes.

Think of QA as the scientists of the industry. They get a phenomena and have to deduce the cause.
QA people, of all game developers, would absolutely be the ones to the team of survivors if they have been bitten by a zombie.

That is how good they are.
QA- What did you do today Artist?

A-oh I made a burnt out version of the helecopter. You?

QA-well i am on my seventh day of walking up and down that one staircase with various objects and abilities trying to replicate a crash bug.

A- how do you not want to die

QA- ha ha ha




A- no seriously, how?
QA are real developers. Fuck you if you don't think so.
But not literally. You don't deserve the fuck.
QA deserve the fuck.
*And that goes extra for the ace QA folks I know. You deserve it. You don't want it and that is absolutely cool. But you deserve it. Just so you know.
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