// this is a video of Daunte Wright’s mom and i’m guessing family, speaking abt what happened to him. the fact that this happened not even that far away from minneapolis hurts so deep and i can’t even imagine +
for the community who is still recovering from George Floyd’s murder. i’ll add resources and as much information that i can find in this thread, so PLEASE spread this and continue to spread the info that we know/the resources.
posting some threads that have a lot of resources as well https://twitter.com/namzuns/status/1381423953613369350
rlly rlly important <3 https://twitter.com/namzuns/status/1381429217171234816
carrds in different languages https://twitter.com/bxrrylix/status/1381443715885985793
this is back from may, but it is obviously still very relevant and important today. this thread this VERY VERY thorough so please read through it. https://twitter.com/sa0un/status/1266467025938980875
part of the thread: https://twitter.com/sa0un/status/1267615626626990086
important for protesters:
again this entire thread has many examples and many threads of its own, with more facts that are important for people that are protesting or planning to. https://twitter.com/dreamygojo/status/1381462096261566469
‼️‼️ https://twitter.com/zjmtide/status/1381450006889127944
also this thread- has a lot of important resources and info especially on protesting https://twitter.com/privsapnap/status/1381435494555394049
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