Ini rant.
Gue bukan tipe orang yang ribut tanpa alasan.

Masalah gue sama orang pertama udah selesai.

And i was asked a simple question to her/his (orang pertama) about the tweet i ss-ed that you involved. Gue tau, dia bakal nyampein ke lo.
I was expecting you, you used your friend(orang pertama) as moderator for us, bilang 'oh begini begitu, sampein ya.' or you come to me. I already gave you my usn and open my dm till now. If you use your brain properly, you will do that instead of tweet cepa cepu.
You were gossiping someone's rp and clearly mentioning the name. Not the initial. Which is mine. What you expect? Orang lain tau nama rp gue and knew what happened yesterday. Bro, i don't give a f, kalau lo gosipin rp(gue) pake inisial. Gue bodoamat. Ya udah jelas bilang ke gue.
Gue cuma nanya pertanyaan mudah, kalau aja lo lakuin itu, wes kelar cepet.

If i incidentally made mistake, I'll admit and apologize not throwing reverse card , playing victim or playing dumb. And not made a scene.
I'm too old for that. Capek. I prefer cari om om kaya raya wkwk
And yesterday, I'm sorry, ribut ribut di teel dan bikin ga nyaman untuk dilihat.

Cased closed.

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