adding more:
keep an eye out for disabled ppl who may need help with mobility in an emergency situation
do not wear clothing with logos, especially small businesses. have ur clothing form covering but not too baggy to run in
bring first aid kit(s) and food/water
tell a trusted friend or family ur location (iphones allow u to share ur location) in case of an emergency
bring extra masks
wear shoes/clothing you can run in, preferably ones you wont be upset if they get thrashed
if ur white, prioritize the safety of black ppl around u
keep track of police radios in ur area, they use them to communicate with each other and u can find out if theyre planning to mass arrest or trap ppl
know your rights off the top of your head and make sure the people around you do the same
also if ur able to, capture clear images of the police and their badge numbers. this is extremely important for identifying any and all police involved in the suppression and brutalization of protestors
THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! please make sure you know the signs of seizures and allergics reactions, as well as how to treat them. remember that (black) disabled ppl are at an extremely high risk of police brutality
this too! i personally have a foldable cane which is good for transportation but i highly recommend making ur mobility aids visible with colored/reflective tale (and abled people please make sure that u dont bump/kick someones mobility aid)
if ur able to donate to mutual aid pls check out this thread, if not please boost and get it shown to as many ppl as possible
You can follow @morthmans.
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