Pro-Israeli messaging clearly aims to assert that Iran is so weakened by the Natanz attack that the US can wait Iran out - no need for diplomacy now.

This is exactly what Israel has claimed EVERY TIME the US & Iran were close to a deal.

Hence, beware of the propaganda. >>
2. Claims that Natanz can’t operate centrifuges for 9 months seem exaggerated and designed to convince the US that it shouldn’t return to the JCPOA. Or at a minimum, wait till after the elections. That would be a transparent ploy. >>
3. Given Israel’s aggression against Iran, the next Iranian President - particularly a conservative one - will feel compelled to strike back against Israel in order to dispel any notion in the West that Iran’s restraint has been due to desperation or lack of options. >>
4. Iran’s retaliation will then either spark a larger conflict or at a minimum further undermine prospects for talks, blocking the outcome Israel fears the most: A US-Iran deal that reduces their tensions and paves the way for the US to shift its focus away from the MidEast. >>
5. Remember, none of the assassinations Israel has conducted, or the cyber attacks the US and Israel have launched (incl Stuxnet), succeeded in changing the trajectory of the Iranian program or altering its timeline in a significant way. >>
6. What they did achieve, however, was to create obstacles for diplomacy. The fact that Israel launched this attack (acc to the NYT) while Secr. Austin was in Israel seem to have been calculated to both confuse Iran (was the US in on it?) and to embarrass Biden. >>
7. As Bibi’s supporters in DC have made clear, Israeli’s clearly willing to boldly undermine Biden if he seeks to advance the interest of the United States. Biden’s failure to exact a cost on Bibi for undermining him is precisely why Bibi will continue to do it.>>
8. Regardless of the degree of consultations or transparency in regards to the talks that Biden agrees to with Israel, there is no evidence to suggest that Israel will shift its position and meet Biden halfway. So no need to bother. >>
9. If Israel actually were to really damage Iran’s program, it would only serve to shift the debate in Iran away from the JCPOA and toward building a bomb. This would dramatically increase the likelihood of war.

Which seems to have been Netanyahu’s endgame all along. //
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