how to overcome fear of weight gain in recovery 🪴👒 #edtwt retweets appreicated
1: look at yourself at your lowest/current weight. do u feel healthy? do u feel like your body is functioning properly?
2: it probably isnt if you have been restricting
3: ask yourself if you would rather be miserable every day just to see the body you see now, and if you continue to lose weight you will feel WORSE
4: it will be hard to learn to love yourself at a higher weight because youve spent so much time battling your bodies intutiion to shrink it but you WILL eventuallu
5: no , you will not gain all the weight back overnight. but your body will know when to STOP gaining, once you have been repaired of the damages your ed created.
6: loads of the weight u gain at first goes to fixing ur organs n bones!! remember u couldnt shit for a long time? ur intentines need some help! or all the muscles u lost? they need some of ur cals
6: end of thread! stay safe
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