fuck it . im going to say it .

the tbbo pronoun jokes arent fucking funny and ESPECIALLY the bee/beeself ones because you are mocking neopronouns , especially if you are a non neopronoun user saying them
the situation with tbbo going by he/they supposedly wasnt fun , it was weird and invasive and SO MANY people were fucking weird toward him in order to “ confirm “ if it was true . it was fucking gross . it was not some quirky situation to make jokes or constantly bring up now
but what especially pisses me off is the bee/beeself pronouns joke. everyone likes to blame shit on mcyttiktok and sure , it started from there . but SO many of you make jokes about him going by these pronouns here
what hurts me more about the bee/beeself jokes is that most of the people who dont use neopronouns and ive seen CIS people make these jokes too . CIS PEOPLE . even though it doesnt seem like it , it feels like you are all mocking neopronouns and it hurts to see
and im saying this because im someone who uses all of these pronouns , he/they/wol pronouns user here . maybe other people might disagree but seeing people mock neopronouns to “ get back at mcytiktok “ or whatever is just hurtful to see and its done so much . yeah
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