Ok, @e_b_bobadilla is absolutely right, we need more genuinely unpopular opinions. So here's one:

Most positions should spend less time focusing on what you PhD was in and what you research and more on how wide a spread you can teach, which IS THE JOB.
Here's another one that will really piss people off--R1 schools hiring ABD students from resource rich programs as opposed to contingent faculty or full time at teaching heavy schools w/o resources who are still producing is nonsense. Trajectory is crap when its wealth to wealth.
Those ABDs should still get jobs! The entire academic ecosystem is hell! But we have entire programs pumping out grad students who have never had to deal with research without resources or time training grad students who will never find those same R1 jobs.
It's frankly weird and gross to be producing grad students YOU WOULDN'T HIRE FOR YOUR OWN DEPARTMENT. And then we have the issue of training grad students for academia--but a VERY DIFFERENT ACADEMIA THAN YOUR OWN--without hiring faculty who have taught at a CC or poor SLAC or
Regional public.

This goes googleplex for saying "alt-ac" when most of us have only been in academia and have no idea what to do outside it.
It's about time to get people pissed at me again but I believe this.

You--person feeling attacked--are wonderful and deserve your job! But the system of hiring prioritization is crap. Those 10 departments producing 75% of TT hires? That's gross/complete bullshit and we know it.
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