A short history of where all this anti-trans stuff came from, and why you should be concerned. Worth a read, please take a look. 1/n
2015: The FRC publishes it's plan trans people: no legal recognition, no legal protections, no transition related health care, and no trans people in the military. It encourages religious based conversion therapy instead. 4/n

2018: Project Blitz, a powerful political movement to eliminate the separation of church and state, develops a playbook to pass state laws treating transness as a communicable public health hazard, to be eradicated by the government like measles. 7/n

2021: Tucker Carlson and Fox News ramp up the anti-trans coverage to unheard of levels, (several segments a day) largely echoing the stated aims of the religious right and shaming Republicans who aren't draconian enough. 10/n https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-has-aired-86-segments-about-trans-people-president-biden-took-office
April 8, 2021: Andrew Sullivan proposes a "compromise" to the "transgender question" that includes a national bathroom ban, "separate but equal" facilities and sports, national bans on health care for trans youth, and banning any discussion of trans issues in schools 14/n
It also signals this is likely to be a wedge issue in 2022, and in the general election in 2024, making it the first time in 20 years that LGBT issues have been centered in a presidential election, and that the GOP thinks they can win on this openly. 17/n
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