I opened my mouth twice today. That’s huge for me. Those who know me personally know I’m shy when it comes to speaking on camera, on a platform or with a mic.
I much prefer being behind the scenes writing a blog post or working with people on a personal level. Part of it is b/c I don’t care for how my voice sounds & the other part is, I know that I don’t speak or pray like many well known spiritual leaders, so I rather just stay quiet.
However, my Pastor, Chance D. Lynch, has been telling me for a while, “you need to open your mouth,” and since the beginning of 2020, God has been presenting me with various opportunities that push me to open my mouth.
If I’m honest, my flesh doesn’t like it. I become extremely nervous every time. When first asked to do anything requiring me to teach (whether regarding mental health, ministry or social justice) or pray publicly, my immediate reaction is to want to find an excuse and say no.
Nevertheless, I’m grateful that God nudges me to say “yes” when I want to say “no” to that which makes me uncomfortable. Every time I step out when He leads, I’m met with comments, messages and testimonies of how God used me to bless someone in that moment.
Don’t allow the fear in your flesh to cause you to miss stepping out when the Spirit leads. People’s destinies are depending on your obedience. People need to hear what God has given you to say. People need what you have to offer and how you offer it.🗣So speak!
Your growth is dependent on you saying “yes” to what makes you uncomfortable. Nothing grows in a comfort zone.
Today, I am proud of me. I pressed on. My flesh has lost again. Fear has lost again.
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