The TRUTHFUL list of why Eileen @theautismcafe receives ‘hate’ from the #ActuallyAutistic community. (Feel free to comment on this post about what Eileen has done to you or the community! Or share it if you don’t feel safe enough to)
#AllAutistics #AutismAcceptance #SayNoToABA
1.She instigates things by posting uncalled for things on other autistic peoples pages.
2.She posts hateful things about autistic people in groups that hate on autistic people.
3.She says things to Autistic people to get a reaction so she can screenshot it and use as her evidence for apparent bullying.
4.She blocks Autistic people who speak out against the bullying and harassment from her.
5.She has many personal vendettas against a lot of autistic people in the community
6.She upsets autistic people and then plays the victim when she gets apparent abuse 🤨
7.She deletes comments and blocks people to make it look like she’s the victim and screenshot it all after she’s made herself look like the innocent party.
8.She’s derailed so many Autistic peoples posts about sensitive topics to purposely undermine them because of her own personal agenda.
9.ABA has been proven to not be effective and has caused PTSD in a lot of people in the #actuallyautistic community and she is dismissive about the extent of the trauma it’s had.
#SayNotoABA #abaisabuse #betterwaysthanABA
10.She continues to promote ABA despite the knowledge of the research done into ABA and that it’s been found to cause PTSD in Autistic people too. Which means her views on ABA may have influence of vulnerable autistic children being traumatised through ABA therapy. #SayNotoABA
11.She isn’t supportive of self diagnosis. Not everyone can afford to seek a diagnosis and there is a lot of bias towards the BIPoC community and also age too, it’s harder to get a diagnosis as an adult. And bias towards females and also the LGBTQ+ community.
12.She makes out that the Autistic community are full of awful bullies which creates a stigma about us and paints us in a negative light despite her instigating this so called bullying she receives. She’s very narcissistic and twists things to play the victim
13.She continually gaslights Autistic people and #ActuallyAutistic community which upsets them.
14. #ActuallyAutistic community is very supportive and protective of other Autistic people, especially when we see them being harassed, bullied or gaslighted. Which is why she comes up against a lot of hate also... as we are just sticking up for each other.
Please remember that the screenshots Eileen posts are often out of context and twisted to fit her narrative and agenda. It’s all part of Reactive Bullying. I’ll post in next tweet about what reactive bullying is. #ActuallyAutistic community is a really supportive community.
Reactive bullying is when an individual (Eileen) portrays themselves to be the victim, when they are in fact the bully. They purposefully antagonize their victims simply to get a reaction out of them.They only become satisfied after they get a reaction from their victim
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