how 11x12 should’ve gone, a thread:
• opening scene same (with mickey)
• everyone finds frank
• lip calls fiona, let’s her know what happened
• fiona flies in, helps lip find a buyer
• fiona offers for liam to come live with her in florida
• mickey pretends to have forgotten their anniversary
• ian gets angsty about it and talks with fiona because it’ll make him feel better, fionas a protective mama bear and offers to talk to mickey about it, but ian tells her not to
• liam’s torn between being upset about frank and deciding to leave the southside
• kev and v are firm on a price and what they expect from a buyer, they find out fiona is in town
• heidi leaves, debbie decides to try to find an apartment for her and franny
• carl ends up quitting to pursue a social work career
• ian’s still angsty about mickey forgetting
• they go out to lunch, ian continues dropping hints, mickey plays dumb
• frank wanders to patsys looking for fiona, goes to the church thinking it’s her wedding day and gets sent to the hospital in an ambulance
• fiona is his emergency contact, she gets called
• fiona goes to the hospital, decides not to tell her siblings about frank, she talks to him and gets some closure, even if he isn’t all there
• she leaves before he passes
• she collects herself and calls lip
• she has real estate connections in chicago from her short stint in the business, they find a developer willing to buy for 300k
• fiona has been successful in florida with some investments from the money she had when she moved, she owns an apartment complex as well
• she’s devastated to find out kev and v are selling the alibi, she begins to think about buying it
• ian and mickey go to kev & v’s house and see the crib, ian realizes it was yevgeny’s
• mickey gets quiet
• ian doesn’t notice right away, he’s talking to himself and remembering something about when yevgeny was a baby
• he looks up to see mickey’s eyes welled with tears, he quickly tries to console him
• mickey talks about his concerns
• they end up sitting down and talking about their future and possibly tracking down svetlana
• fiona and lip catch up over some coffee and some random shop, fiona’s upset about patsys shutting down, they take a walk down memory lane and reminisce about old times
• fiona tells lip she’s thinking of buying the alibi, that the original southside needs to live on somehow, lip is skeptical since she lives so far, asks who would work there and run it
• fiona suggests that carl and debbie could, how they could also live in the apartment above, and she’d hire some local southsiders, explains how she wants to keep some semblance of the southside through the gentrification
• lip comes around and thinks it’s a good idea, glad to see fiona hasn’t forgotten her roots
• fiona gets a call from the hospital to let her know frank has passed and where she can collect his ashes, she decides to wait to tell everyone until after ian and mickey’s anniversary
• lip tells her he’s thinking of going back to school, she’s fully in support and is beyond excited for him, he plans on using some of the house money to finish his degree and provide for his family
• lip tells fiona about mickey’s surprise party and how she can help set up, she’s happy to know mickey was just playing dumb
• she’s still getting texts from ian throughout the day about it, she now thinks it’s funny
• she’s missed home
• liam talks with fiona and tells her he’ll come live with her as long and he can come visit everyone often and that she’ll come with
• she’s says of course and tells him how much she’s missed the southside
• the surprise party goes as planned, everyone is happy
• fiona slides a check to veronica across the bar, she instantly is speechless
• fiona buys the alibi, debbie and carl agree to run it and live above the alibi
• someone says a car is on fire outside, they all file out and stand around the fire, the gallaghers are seen singing jovially around the fire with random locals from the neighborhood
• fiona’s voiceover is heard, making references to the speech from 1x01, but from her perspective
• the show ends with her leaning her head on ian’s shoulder, an arm around lip, and the line “it’s not perfect, but it’s home”
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