Thank God Rob Pattinson doesn’t have social media because I would feel bad in his place.

Doesn’t matter that we might want both. What matters is that the new actor might feel like he’s not been given a chance from fans. I’m trying not to say a lot because many might get upset.
Everyone deserves his time to shine. If Ben wants to come back he would. I’m sure they would get him back for a series but, there’s no need to campaign for it.

That won’t change their mind and especially Ben Affleck’s mind.
I’m not any actor’s stan. I just know when it’s time to show support to an actor and leave someone else behind. And when I say “behind”, I’m saying as a legacy.

I 100% supported Bale as Batman but when Ben Affleck took on the mantle. Bale became a legend that I left behind.
Ben Affleck had my full support for years until the new actor came along. That’s where I needed to say “Thank you Ben” and move to the next actor that would play my all time favorite comicbook character.

Everyone deserves their time. And we will always respect all of them.
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