Wow, so people are really going at Chris Tyson for a couple jokes they made in the past. Is this what cancel culture is, a movement filled with drunk retards, ooh I'm analist, harassing and attacking someone for minor shit that happened in the past.
Sure, they may have been fucked up jokes,and they may have been offensive, but these were obviously jokes, not to be taken seriously, like right now, instead you woke drunkards decide to ruin someone's reputation over norhing.
Is this really what your planet has come to? A massive group of insecure parakeets on steroids? This whole 'cancellation' is a bunch of bullshit. Unfairly targeting white people because "they're all racist", but if a black person does this, it's okay.
That is racism right here, with how differently people treat the exact same group of people, their skin colour doesn't make them any different to white people, so they must be treated fairly.
How does this stem to my main argument, that the cancellation is a bunch of bullshit?

It's because most of the people being cancelled are white, with people instantly hating on someone just because they made a joke about a 'protected group'.
If this is really what this planet has come to, we are way out of fucking depth, and yes, I said we. So if we don't get a grip and shut the fuck up, this planet won't look any better.
With the useless targeting of individuals, simply because of the jokes they made, being called abelist, racist, homophobic, islamphobic. I can say that Chris is none of those, and these jokes were made 6 years ago! Let the past die down, quit trying to make problems.
This planet is throwing itself downhill, and it's because of you.
The tweets in this thread were talking about the false 'cancellation' of Chris Tyson, and how fucking ridiculous the main reason for this bullshit is.

Oh I can't wait for the woke pricks to come here, wow.

#cancelculture #christyson ' #islamphobia' ' #racism' #triggerwarning
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