Alright, I’m making a thread here about how Covid vaccine works, because there is so much confusion, and if I’ve got one social media superpower, it’s enough science education to be literate in study conclusions. Got questions? Ask ‘em.
Is it “gene therapy” that alters your DNA? Nope! It’s mRNA. Your own cells make a buttload of mRNA all the time. It’s just a recipe for a specific bit of protein. Like keratin for your hair. Once your ribosomes are done making the protein, the mRNA is already gone.
Here’s a nice explanation of how mRNA works:

What we think of as “our DNA,” the code that makes you, you, lives inside the cell nucleus. mRNA doesn’t get in the nucleus. It can’t interact with your nuclear DNA at all.
Can you still catch and spread Covid after being vaccinated? It would be extremely unlikely. No vaccine has ever been 100% effective in every person who gets injected. There is always a failure rate. (Ask me about mumps!) But it’s looking like 85-90% against asymptomatic cases.
The reason we were asked to keep behaving as if we were still potentially infectious is because the initial trial didn’t test for that. Finding out if you can still spread it requires a “challenge trial.” That’s happening now:
And the data looks really good so far! Now, that’s not me saying “burn your masks.” Please still wear them in public. It’s good manners if nothing else. Other people can’t see your vaccine, and you don’t want to make them uncomfortable, right? Plus, you could be unlucky. (Mumps!)
But, what that DOES mean is that if you’re vaccinated, and your mom is vaccinated, please go see your mom for Mother’s Day and give her a big hug. Vaccinated people are safe to be around each other and have that human interaction we’ve all been missing so much.
Now. Side effects and adverse effects. Immune reactions are an EXPECTED effect. Sore arm? Feeling tired? Low grade fever? Hungry? We expect those. That’s your immune system reacting to a new antigen, and it’s temporary, harmless, and even a good thing.
Some people can be allergic to certain ingredients in the vaccine. That’s true of everything from Covid shots to tree pollen. If you’ve had a severe allergic reaction before, talk to your doctor. They may recommend a specific brand, pre-medication, or waiting.
Has anyone DIED from getting a Covid vaccine? Maybe one. There was one older man who got it and developed ITP (ideopathic thrombocytopenia,) and passed away. ITP has been a known possibility with several vaccines in the past, though very very rare.
But any time someone dies shortly after any medical intervention, it has to be investigated. So far, he’s the only plausible one. Out of millions. Better odds than you have with getting Covid. Even if every death in the VAERS system was from the shot, it’s still better odds.
Is the shot still “experimental?” Depends on your definition. The safety data is IN. It’s as safe as any vaccine studied. The effectiveness data is a little less settled. Challenge trials are ongoing, and we don’t know about longevity beyond the first people vaccinated.
On that note, when you see “It’s good for six months,” don’t read that as “only” six months and then it’s gone. We only have six months worth of data. The first trial shots happened in October. It’s April. Six months, and those people are still immune.
Could be they will start showing declining immunity at some point, but the trend lines don’t look that way. More likely the number will just keep going up.
Will we need a booster later? Maybe, but that’s okay. So far, all the approved vaccines are effective against all known variants. But one could theoretically pop up that it doesn’t work on. Now that the framework is in place, they can adjust to a new one really quickly.
So, in summary, the vaccines are safe. They appear to be wildly more effective than anyone dared hope, and you should totally get one. But still cover your face at the grocery store, be considerate, and hug your family. We are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
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