Realtalk I think it's the films+ other media (aside from the cartoons). They rarely show his charity work (maybe offhand but rarely highlighted), or use his sidekicks/partners and usually the villains are either presented as mentally ill (Joker, Two-Face) or underdogs (Penguin,
Catwoman) with tragic and compelling backgrounds (Bane). Bruce himself is rarely explored in great depth as a person, and for some reason Hollywood just loves making stuff based on his most whiny and self-obsessed or hyperviolent incarnations rather than his usual self who has
90 adopted kids, gives buckets of money away all the time and largely fights career criminals many of whom are filthy rich and highly educated. All that only comes through in cartoons and comics and most of the people saying this nonsense aren't big enough fans to know those.
Tony, on the other hand, didn't really HAVE a reputation until the MCU, which gave him a redemption arc right in the first film and then played up his narcissism as a defense mechanism before anchoring the fate of the universe on his continued existence and finishing it off with
the most redemptive moment in the franchise. So that's how people think of Tony - jerk with a heart of gold, fragile flawed and lovable, ultimately a prince of a man.

Anyway it's stupid, Bruce Wayne is awesome.
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