Had I known that Dun-Johns & Dragons was going to be posted to LJGaming back when I wrote about episode 0, I'd have waited to post my comment there, aww.. from now on, I likely will wait - at least if the episodes are going to be posted within a week or so like this <3
I might eventually post some other LJ's notes on that video, (I don't like posting on the Sea of Sings SOT videos on LJGaming as I usually want to write about the streams sooner than they get shared, & I also want to be able to look in the comment section for the song timestamps)
Although I worry that JD may not check the comments on LJGaming & I'm not sure if any of the LJ's check there much.. but mayhaps JD will check the D&D comments, & I feel pretty sure Dave will, especially as I heard on an older stream that the LJGaming channel is Dave's project<3
BTW, I agree with Dave's announcement post earlier today - "Sentient Combat Wheelchair" is my new favorite phrase, too, aww <3 <3 <3 Sentient *any* sort of inanimate objects makes me happy, and that's such a lovely thought!! :D So cool of the person who made that D&D homebrew! <3
Oh, and I'm not sure if or how to hear the BBC Radio 4 piece on the LJ's tomorrow, especially as it'll be on at 5am my time, yikes..
..if it's able to be played back later in America, though, (which some BBC stuff sadly isn't) I'll do m'best to figure it out!! <3 <3 <3 (I'm still bummed that I missed that one JD interview awhile back because it wasn't available in the USA, aww)
I also wrote & then deleted several tweets about my re-watch of the LJ's Secret Santa vid last night (it was the 2nd ever video I sat down to watch of theirs that wasn't a music vid 2+ months ago <3 ) but on second thought, I may save those notes for a blog/YT comment later <3 ;)
Anyway, I just couldn't resist tweeting a bit more today - but again, my Wellerman music video blog post went up earlier today, so please don't miss it at http://longestjohnsnotes.tumblr.com  <3 <3 <3
P.S. Oh, I clicked on the BBC Radio 4 link JD posted & it shows that the program will be available shortly after it's broadcast, yay!! It's just a matter of whether Americans will be allowed to play it back, then.. I'll find out tomorrow!! <3 :)
So many streams & vids I need to listen to, yet I'm listening to the Jonathan Young -Starship Velociraptor album for the 3rd time, I love it *so* much!! If Andy hasn't heard this yet, he NEEDS to <3 <3 <3 (in my humble opinion, that is ;) <3 )
I also listened to the Dreadnoughts for awhile after hearing the LJ's talk about their songs more on last Oct's music stream, which I semi-randomly decided to watch after the LJ's&Ponies one <3 (I did want to see another stream with Heart of Oak, so that's partly why I chose it!)
And omg, the Dreadnoughts' Polka's Not Dead album cover art! A howling wolf playing accordion?! Yes please, say I!! Now that's my kind of album cover ;) <3 Awooooooo!!! ;) <3 <3 <3
BTW, the cutest moment w/the presents in the LJ's Secret Santa vid was *definitely* Dave the Christmas Burrito, bwah ;) <3 Ohmygosh, he was so adorable wrapping himself up in the burrito blanket :D (I'll just say this one thing now as I can't share a pic in a Youtube comment :D )
Also, Hyperspeed may be my fave song on the Jonathan Young album..omg, the chorus sounds DIVINE <3 I'd have to sit down & listen away from working online to figure out the songs I like best lyrically, (they all seem EPIC lyrically, tho) but that one sounds INCREDIBLE musically :D
(Sorry, I know my tweets are all over the place right now, but I'm listening to the album as I type & the Hyperspeed song hit me so hard all over again when the chorus came on <3 Those high harmonies.. holy wow <3 <3 <3 )
BTW, I don't know enough about D&D classes to realize that any class could have a sword, so I genuinely thought Andy had given us a hint about his character via Discord until he explained, lol.. I've watched a lot of RPG campaigns, but not all Dungeons & Dragons based.
I've enjoyed most RPG systems more than the actual D&D system as I really do dislike the long, drawn out battles.. but the 1st season of High Rollers I'll NEVER forget, and so many memories keep flooding back the more I hear the LJ's talk about classes, races & spells from 5e <3
For instance, I KNEW Moonbeam was a spell that I'd heard a lot about on High Rollers, but I forgot what it did until it was used during battle, lol - and I remember spells like Lay on Hands because of cleric Cam Buckland.. of course ;)
(Oh gads, how I miss flirty Cam Buckland!!!! <3 Sometimes I forget how passionate I was about Hat Films for years, and I still get why.. I love all 3 of them, and Ross will always be special to me,
but Trott was beyond incredible in every minute of High Rollers - especially as Cam Buckland <3 His Tabaxi character who's name I don't recall was the most charming thing ever, too, & I so want to watch that mini-series over, aww <3 )
Anyway, some other spell Trelawney mentioned last Sun sounded like something Cam Buckland used a lot, too, but I forget what it was called at the moment.. something where you could make a voice and/or image and throw it a certain distance away - Cam made it comedically epic ;) <3
Oh gads, the High Rollers memories.. I even forgot that Druids shapeshift into animals until someone mentioned it last Sunday on the LJ's stream, and how could I forget THAT?! LOL ;) <3
I'd probably play a druid if I ever had the courage to play.. I don't even care if they're good or not :D If not, you know I'd play an animal-based race. and why oh why *isn't* there a dog/wolf/canine based D&D race? There SHOULD be ;) <3
The above is the kind of stuff I wanted to say in my LJ's D&D episode 0 comment but didn't know if I'd be boring the LJ's with it since a lot of it isn't about them directly - but I still had to mention Cam Buckland's comedic attempts to seduce everyone, because you know me ;) <3
Now my Dave the Christmas Burrito screenshot is buried under all these D&D tweets, whoops.. please don't miss it ;) <3 CUTEST. MOMENT. IN. THE. ENTIRE. VID <3 Along with Robbie's "Andy chart", which I got a million times the kick out of seeing again now that I know Andy better :D
(The new tweets in this thread start w/the one about listening to Jonathan Young's album for the 3rd time and how much Andy really needs to hear it - I wrote so much on at least 3 different topics.. I just can't stop wanting to write tonight, aww <3 )
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