Last night's highly entertaining episode of #LineOfDuty ended on a cliffhanger, with the revelation that Kelly MacDonald's antagonist is related to someone shocking. But who could it be?
There have been no signs thus far that #LineOfDuty is going to veer sharply in the incestuous direction of GOT, but still... it would throw a spanner in the works of Kate and Davidson's romance, and that of her investigation into her criminal activity...
They can't keep bringing it back to Dot, can they? Just when you think you can forget about that particular walking rubbish bin, he crops up again... Could Cottan be a first cousin? A brother? Far, far wilder things have happened on this show.
There has been speculation from Line of Duty Twitter detectives that Neil Morrissey will return to the fold this season He's still out there, being bent somewhere. Could he be her dad?
Mike Dryden is Scottish… beyond that, all they have in common is crookedness. But, if they were related, he could have played a hand in her swift climb up the ladder in the police department.
If Andrea Wise was, say, Davidson's mother, it would certainly explain why she has suppressed the investigation into her wrongdoing…
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