1)Here’s a few things that genuinely shame this government Molly..... the 1000s of avoidable deaths & cases of #LongCovid that were the result of failing to have a #CircuitBreaker in the Autumn term, as advised by #SAGE.
2)And the callous & dismissive legal threat made by @GavinWilliamson to #Greenwich schools, forcing them (& others) to stay open until 18th Dec, despite escalating cases of #COVID19.
That one cost many lives.
3) And don’t forget the completely unnecessary #Christmas2020 #SuperSpreaderEvent which resulted in WHOLE FAMILIES getting #COVID19.
More lives lost & damaged.
4) And while we’re at it, let’s remind ourselves of the failure to provide adequate #PPE for #NHS & social care workers during the #1stWave, resulting in countless deaths & cases of #LongCovid amongst those caring for us all during a time of serious need.
5) Or would you rather stick with SCHOOLS & CHILDREN Molly?
Maybe the estimated 43,000 children with #LongCovid is shameful?
Or the 100,000+ teachers with #LongCovid which will undoubtedly impact further on the teaching of UK children?
6) What is truly shameful is that 13 months into the pandemic, we know that #COVIDisAirborne yet most schools still have v poor ventilation, copious advice to #MakeSchoolsSafe has been repeatedly ignored & pupils/staff/families of both are exposed every day to a dangerous virus.
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