I've seen photos by Terry Disney, who worked for the Daily Express, but never really paid close attention. He took a lot of impressive celebrity portraits, a difficult proposition with quick newspaper shoots. This 1964 shot of Diana Rigg as Mrs. Peel is a great example.
Terry Disney knew his way around a car racing track. This is from July 17, 1954: the start of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. Numbers 1 & 2 are the Mercedes team cars driven by Karl Kling & Juan Fangio. Number 9 won the race: a Ferrari driven by José Froilán González.
A spectacular shot of Anna Moffo by Terry Disney, January 31, 1964
Terry Disney
Twiggy in a plastic dress, May 1966
Terry Disney
Hayley Mills get direction from Roy Boulting on the set of Twisted Nerve, January 1968
Lawrence Durrell by Terry Disney, April 1968
Terry Disney
The great Spike Milligan in a scene from ITV's comedy Curry And Chips, 1969
A wonderful portrait of the Stones by Terry Disney, from January 17, 1964
Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts & Bill Wyman
Sue Lawley by Terry Disney, 1974
Lawley hadn't yet started her long run (1988-2006) as host of #DesertIslandDiscs. Her first DID was as a guest, & not a presenter: on Nov 8, 1987 with Michael Parkinson.
I was pleased to see this 1965 portrait of the photographer Terry Disney, since there's hardly any information about him on the web. All I know, really, is that he worked at the Daily Mail for many years. And I'm not sure if this is a self-portrait, or a shot by a DM colleague.
Terry Disney's shot of Ronnie & Reggie Kray in Cedra Court, off Cazenove Road in northeast London, August 1964. Interesting how these two murderous thugs were treated as regular celebrities before their 1968 arrests & subsequent life sentences.
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