Iran is slowly losing any deterrence it had against Israel ...
Israel is getting more comfortable with launching attacks against Iran, its operations continue to gain momentum. Tehran is doing nothing to stop this.
Israel likes to test the patience of its enemies, it did so with Syria for years and in the end established a situation that allows it to launch attacks on Damascus almost every other week without any cost.
If Iran thinks this will not happen in its case, they are dead wrong because it is already happening. Israel is slowly stretching Tehran's red line. Soon, the cost of not responding will be much higher.
I can go as far as saying that Israel's covert operations inside Iran over the last year inflected much more damage on Tehran than any attack carried out in Syria. The assassination of Fakhrizadeh, which remains without a response, on its own is enough to establish this fact.
Only a few weeks ago we learned that Israel has been blowing up Iranian tankers -more than a dozen- and Iran only now begin to respond to this and on a very, very limited scale. Wonder what other attacks are being hidden from the public?
To conclude, Iran needs to respond and directly. The talks with the US will not stop Israel. If Tehran continue down this road its nuclear program will be wiped out on a cloudy night and when this happen no response will bring it back.
Tehran's best bet is to establish a new "equation" in which it responds directly and publicly to any covert Israeli attack.
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