1. Throughout Covid there have been exemptions on entering someones house, below can be found on @scotgov website
2. Another reason you would have been able to enter someone elses house throughout Covid
3. None of this comes in to play if you live in a #carehome

Husbands/wives/partners separated for 14months because one of them live in a care home yet if they both lived in the community they could spend as many hours togethers as they wished

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
4. None of this come in to play if you live in a #carehome

Husbands/wives/partners/children who live alone unable to form an extended household with their loved1in a #carehome , they don’t have the same rights as to those living in the community

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
5. None of this comes in to play if you live in a #carehome

So many vulnerable living in a #carehome whose wellbeing is at risk due to isolation , yet their families are kept at a distance. If only they both lived in the community.

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
6. None of this comes into play if you live in a #carehome

So many people isolated from families because of a disability or caring situation and their families are unable to provide emotional support.

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
7. Since when did your place of residence dictate your right to family life?

Should all those living on a block of flats be isolated from their families and the outside world for 14mths and counting?

Can you imagine??

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
8. Those residing in #carehomes will have had both vaccines, they need to know an exit plan to allow them to end this living hell that has been forced upon them.
9. This is Anne of #AnnesLaw weekly life just now with her husband.

Tell me, is this meaningful?

Would you want a life like this?
Would you want a life like this for someone you loved?

This is why we need #AnnesLaw
10. We need 5k signatures to get to 100k please help.

We need #AnnesLaw to ensure those residing in care never experience isolation and imprisonment like this ever again.

This has to be legacy for every care home resident in #Scotland https://www.change.org/Allow-Designated-Visits-By-Family-Carers-Into-Care-Homes
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