If anyone in Milton is missing a chicken, I just dropped this feathery menace off at Angell @universalhub
Don't let her sweet face and gentle clucking deceive you. She apparently caused a three car accident last night along Unquity road near where I caught her.
It took the help of four intrepid strangers to corral her into a thorn bush where I could grab her. I had the most extensive chicken-grabbing resume, with "I worked on a farm as a kid one summer" and "my mom is from Kansas."
There was, of course, the small problem of driving her to Angell with my two dogs in the car. But she, a fully-fledged badass, gave no ducks.
Solid joke, autocorrect.
The paperwork I filled out at Angell was for a stray cat. Apparently they don't have stray chicken forms? I said she was good with dogs. My dogs, for their part, are sulking because we couldn't keep her.
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