In Spain, we now have a Communist Vice President. How did we achieve this? Not from “organizing” on Twitter. We built unity amongst the centrist and leftist union members. We built a coalition with the social democratic @PSOE and more radical @PODEMOS....
We utilized our @IzquierdaUnida coalition to get the @elpce into the current coalition government with our leftist and progressive allies. Leftist unity must be built on working-class unity. Quoting Stalin and Mao at workers who voted for Biden to oust Trump won’t get you far....
This is the first time since the 2nd Spanish Republic of the 1930s that the CP of Spain is in power with progressive and leftist allies. The fascist danger coming from @populares and @vox_es have suffered a setback, but we must continue to build the anti-fascist popular front....
The fight for socialism is built upon the struggle for democracy against fascism. You can’t have a socialist revolution unless you convince the masses of workers that fascism is wrong first. The class struggle is a marathon, not a sprint. Unite organize and radicalize the masses.
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