if you want to get into the specifics of the relationships that are used to prop up the bisexual interpretations then let’s get into it. in flint’s case, his relationship with miranda is introduced to the audience through a sex scene in which he lies there stone faced and doesn’t
so much as touch her, and as soon as it’s over he starts a fight about his copy of meditations. in the flashbacks we’re shown a sole kiss that miranda initiates and the rest of the affair occurs off screen until james kisses thomas and the audience is actually shown the
intimacy that existed between the two men. we’re shown that tenderness because that’s where the legitimate romance exists. the loss of thomas is the impetus of the entire show. it’s this love story that creates the grief at the core of flint’s motivations. in anne’s case, she’s
16 years old when she meets jack. she’s a teenager trapped in a horrifically abusive marriage and jack “saves” her. from that point on how would she not feel a sense of obligation to the only man that’s ever showed her kindness? do you not see how easily this affection she felt
for him could be misinterpreted as romantic love, especially given she wouldn’t have had any example of a two women in a loving relationship to compare it to? her arc throughout the series shows her growing confident and allowing herself to be vulnerable only after she begins a
relationship with max. we see her bloom into a more honest version of herself through her coming out. the show goes as far as to include anne outright telling jack that she can’t be his wife but that they are partners. what about that scene can be interpreted as anything other
than her declaring herself a lesbian but solidifying her platonic relationship to jack? none of this is to minimize the importance of platonic relationships that exist here but if you can’t see what are some of the more glaringly obvious aspects of the show then i have to wonder
why that is. why aren’t these coming out stories being valued and respected in the way they should be? why are gay men and lesbians and their trauma/triumphs not respected in the way they should be?
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