Dear Ireland, you just made me leave my mum, the only family I have left, at home in France because of your stupid Mandatory Hotel Quarantine. She had a mini-stroke (TIA) yesterday eve and, you see, I would have loved to stay with her, make sure she was okay.
That she was cared and looked after. Instead, though, I have to head back tonight because if I don’t, you intend to lock me up in a hotel for two weeks, which will most likely cost me my new job, after 6 months of unemployment due to COVID.
For years, you were more than keen on taking advantage of my tax money, skills, and experience so that tech companies continue to find your country attractive, and you can continue to give them larger and larger tax breaks.
Now, you’re telling me I don’t belong. That foreigners bring the virus in (which is completely unsubstantiated - the COVID cases through travel are at a negligible rate at best), that we ought to “take our responsibilities,” and “stay at home.”
Do you know how ludicrous that is? How hard it is to travel today? How every time I travel, I wonder if I might bring the virus to my loved ones? If you think *anyone* travels for leisure these days and not with a heavy heart, you are truly deluded.
It is the first time in years that I, as a foreigner, feel unwelcome in your country. Trust me, that is not something to be proud of. You used to be open and inclusive, your media is now a xenophobic echo chamber.
And, I know You are good natured, kind hearted, deep down. We will move on. I love your country and your people more than I hate you right now. But *this,* leaving my mum like this, is not something that I will ever forget. I will never forgive it either.
And, while I’m a foreigner, think of the countless young, vulnerable Irish expats you are putting in this situation. This is not “grand.” This is not okay. So, Fuck you. Sincerely. #MandatoryHotelQuarantine #mhq
Edit: thanks to everyone sending thoughts and kindness. My mum is doing alright as of this morning. She is home alone but is being checked on regularly by the neighbours. I’m back in Ireland now and I think she might be getting tired of my constant texts and phone calls.
I would have obviously rather stayed there a bit longer, but it is what it is. I also want to insist: I don’t mean this as a sob story. Many people are in similar situations to mine, nothing exceptional about this thread.
Last night in the airport, I was sitting next to four Irish girls who looked to be about 18. They were talking about having to hastily pack their bags to head home, and the other kids in their programme who couldn’t do it fast enough and might get stuck in France indefinitely.
I’m in my late twenties. I’m fine. I can deal with things. My mum will likely be fine. But, honestly, I couldn’t imagine having to go through this, in a foreign country, as such a young age. I thought of them when I tweeted.
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