LRT: I’ve been diagnosed as having ADHD but I never really took it seriously because it didn’t seem like it was interfering with my life, but this example actually made me realize a lot of symptoms DO impact my life in some significant ways!!!! (1/5)
While the sticker example is kinda silly and “benign” (I literally have a box of stickers that I refuse to put on anything that I’ve had since I was a kid) I realized this behavior actually leaks over into A LOT of my daily life: (2/5)
-I won’t use art supplies because then when “I really need” them they won’t be there/I feel like my artistic level isn’t good enough
-I’ll “save” special snacks because I think I’m not in a mood to “fully enjoy” them, and then they wind up expiring (3/5)
-I don’t use a planner because I’m afraid I won’t “use it enough” and will wind up missing days/months which turn into big empty spaces and it feels like a waste

All of these are things I’ve actively missed out on and some of these would have been really good for me to do (4/5)
ADHD can be something that people can recognize and work with or it can be something that actively inhibits people from enjoying life. Not everyone realizes the way it interferes with their life, or that it does in a major way and that sucks (5/5)
Sorry but I’m just kinda processing this in this thread!!

But even the music challenge I have pinned is an example of this?? I started doing it but then one day I came up with a song idea and decided to post it later because it would be “a better time” but then I forgot
Like how much of my behavior/mistakes are a direct result of this line thinking?
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