Just stumbled on a thread of people who think that COVID / the vaccine are part of some plan to depopulate the world by 90%, by 2030.
OMG this would SUCK as fast population reduction.
There are a WHOLE load more lethal bugs out there, squirrelled away in labs.

OR you'd create something like zika, where you don't get really sick but you end up sterile.

Seriously people - get a grip.
The thing which irks me most about these conspiracy theories is that they don't stand up to even an M&M's worth of scrutiny. Like chemtrails.
FUCKING CHEMTRAILS. As though chemicals dispersed in the atmosphere at 35,000ft would have any effect on the population. YOU'D JUST PUT IT IN THE WATER SUPPLY FFS.
Anyone who's ever been part of a large project - particularly in the public sector - will know 2 things:
a) it's impossible to get ppl to agree on anything
b) a conspiracy involving more than 2 people would be emailed to someone else by a clumsy 'reply all' in about a minute
Alternative to b) would be a portable drive of some kind with all the Sekrit Plans on it, ending up left in a taxi
Or someone would just get shitfaced in the pub and let on that there was a Giant Global Conspiracy
Conspiracy theorists: a Secret Cabal wants us all dead
Actually happening now: runaway climate change

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