biphobia in communities : a thread
[ retweets appreciated ]
in this thread i’ll be addressing common microagressions towards bisexuals, as well as common misconceptions !
mocking the fact that bisexuals are attracted to men; using phrases such as these (pictured below) to do so

* please note that lesbians not being attracted to men is not biphobic !
claiming that bi women only settle for men, erasing their attraction to women, or anything of that sort.
example: this bullshit. (picture below)
- saying or acting like bisexuals’ attraction or preference to men deprives them of being sapphic
- representing bisexuals (notably bisexual women) as being cheaters or quitters in relationships
- the idea or assumption that a bisexual in a m/f relationship is in a “straight relationship”
- looking at bi women as being “straight but looking for attention” and looking at bi men as “gay but closeted”
- treating bisexuality as if it’s only attraction to men and women
- treating bisexuality as being half gay and half straight, or treating bisexuals as so
- sexualizing bisexuals, claiming they’re only looking for sex or hookups, proposing the idea of threesomes when they come out, or anything of that sort
- ignoring or refusing to acknowledge the biphobia in communities, and not taking bisexuals seriously when they talk about it
- the idea that male bisexuals don’t face discrimination because they’re attracted to women / that female bisexuals don’t face discrimination because they’re attracted to men
- portraying bisexuals as being greedy or needy due to their attraction of multiple genders / gender identities
- acting as if bisexuals are misogynistic or enbyphobic when they date a man or have a preference for men
- speaking on behalf of bisexuals and their feelings
- saying that bisexuality is trend or a “gateway” to being lesbian or gay
- claiming that bisexuality and pansexuality are the same thing or that one is invalidating to the other
- phrases like “everyone’s a little gay” or “we all feel that way sometimes”
- blaming or attacking bisexual women for dating men after leaving a relationship
- claiming that bisexuality is transphobic or that pansexuality is inclusive while bisexuality isn’t
- claiming that bisexuals who have only been with people of the same gender aren’t genuinely bisexual
- stating or acting as if it’s “easier” to come out as bisexual than another sexuality(ies)
- generalizing bisexuals, especially when it comes to things like preferences, gender identities, pronoun usage, or things of that sort
- redefining bisexuality to fit your standards as someone who isn’t bisexual
- implying or acting as if all bisexuals are cis or do not struggle with gender identity or expression
- claiming that bisexuality does not include trans + non-binary people / using phrases such as “hearts not parts” to distinguish the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality . these images by @sapphicbisexual explain the difference well !
- painting bisexuality to be binary or transphobic & erasing the identities of non-cis bisexuals as well as the fluidity of bisexuality
- ignoring or erasing the history behind bisexuality
- weaponizing non-binary and trans people or using them as pawns to be biphobic
- dismissing bisexual men as just being gay or being “half in the closet”, excluding from male groups and bisexual spaces, assuming that bi men always have a preference for other men, and things of that nature
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