So Canada cases/population is on its way up and has passed the US for the first time. We’re in a similar race to Germany and Switzerland to vaccinate ...and resist the urge to open too quickly.
Deaths - we’ve been in a plateau with a climb starting ( lag time maybe be cause spread is in adult age ranges to the lag involves hospital-ICU stays, sometimes lengthy.) I’ll show the canada line separately below
The key will be to stop excess deaths while we accelerate vaccinations. This really relies on public health interventions carried out well- in a concerted effort with good buy in.
Nothing new or magic about any of it. New COVID19 treatments offer debatable fractional benefits:
Like lower viral loads, reduced need for breathing assistance, reduced time to lower oxygen needs. Trust me.
Prevention by not getting it - getting vaccinated when able is wayyyy better and avoids the risk of long postCOVID symptoms.
You can follow @AntibioticDoc.
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