tell me you’re socially awkward without telling me you’re socially awkward
First day of college I told this girl I liked her shirt because it was basic , her face dropped so fast
Also on my first day, I high-fived a girl for having scoliosis like me and saying we were scoliosis sisters before finding out hers was severe and she had the surgery done quite recently
first day too,, I told a girl she was very pretty by saying she looked like the women on Persian carpets
Well I basically said “you look like a Persian carpet”
The English teacher was getting to know us by asking us what our hobbies were, everyone had normal replies but of fucking course I had to tell the class I was into pimple popping videos and loved when it oozed out
I was at a Jehovah’s Witness convention with my then gf (don’t even ask), her mother introduced me to a lady who has her hand up to gesture a “hello”. I fucking highfived her. silence.
I’m trilingual which means I make language mistakes all the time. I mixed my native language with English and asked if the exam was “oral” (wrong word choice in that language, was basically suggesting oral sex instead)
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