i’ve stayed quiet on this because i prefer mediating in private but after months of this shit i’m going to speak up.

liz king is either intentionally lying or is dealing with some demons that have convinced her there’s a conspiracy network against her. there isn’t.
when liz was posting claims that afg was avoiding her calls/accountability and she was copjacketing hillary sargent, i reached out to her privately to learn more. i was on her side, trying to help.
i helped her determine that the number she was messaging, that she thought was afg, was an old number he’d since burned.

she did not remove any of her tweets promoting that he was ignoring her, nor did she correct the record on the mixup.
i continued to be supportive and loving — until i was put in twitter jail for a joke about tr*mp dr*nking bl*ach & i couldn’t dm. it was after this i found that she softblocked me.

shortly after she started claiming that i was operating in this whisper network against her.
she accused me of violating her consent because i contacted afg to confirm his phone number.

she has since accused me of being a grifter, of working in a secret network to badjacket her, and now trying to lump me into a group of people who all are just trying to fuckin live.
there is no coordinated smear campaign against liz king outside her own imagination. if there was, she wouldn’t be going for months making these claims without herself getting badjacketed in public and having to post receipts against it.

liz king is coordinating a smear campaign
i never had any problems with liz, always only tried to be supportive of her as a comrade. i don’t know why she’s doing this but i can guarantee i have nothing to do with whatever bullshit she’s beating a drum about.
it would be very cool if she could keep my name out of her mouth and practice the same kind of solidarity i gave her. i hope she’s surrounded by supportive, loving people who can help her de-escalate her desire to cause harm to people.

i won’t be speaking further on this.
one more thing: i’m not a fuckin livestreamer!!!!! good grief.
oop, one more thing: gothbotalice is doing this shit with liz and they’re feeding off of each other to push baseless conspiracies rooted in some personal experience alice had to justify what seems to be just some mean girl bullshit that’s causing a whole lot of fucking harm.
all they’re doing is invigorating nazis by badjacketing people they’ve decided are the enemy instead of just focusing up on doing good, helpful, healthy work. i tried to support both of them, uplift them, and instead i became a target in their war against “celebrity leftists.”
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