Bro I really went on a straight tear while my teacher was talking about how it's morally wrong to kill people lmfao
Since this is doing some numbers I'll go ahead and show off the multi into 6on I hit during this class too. For some reason the lobbies are always great during it
I hit both of these on a 100% free MW2 PC client called iw4x, which comes with custom guns, full dlc, server browser, etc. and is 10x better than the steam version (no hackers). If you've been itching to play again, I would really recommend it
Last tweet I'll add to this thread, but if that isn't enough to make you want to download, there's also custom rust only sniping servers too. Super nostalgic and hella fun, you can also hit some crazy stuff like this:
You can follow @BubZz.
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