Just a few pondering thoughts abt this ongoing fiasco;

Celeb PR works in clever ways. Any publicity is good publicity & they know how to instigate/get reaction out of fans - & fans in their reaction unknowingly amplify the celeb;

Fans by reacting, are put in an incredible amount emotional turmoil & y'all deserve better than that. Cuz this battle will never end.

The best course of action imho is to not give those celebs any attention & instead fangirl/amplify our own favs ❤

We choose to fangirl over our favs cuz we relate to them in the ideologies & values that they hold dear. Be it hardworking, dedication, respect etc.

So lets celebrate our favs for those exact qualities whilst growing ourselves thru that.

Don't give your power away to the instigator.

Your power is yours. Your voice is yours. & by them instigating & us reacting, they are taking that power & using their for their benefit.

Instead, you make sure YOU choose what happens w/ your voice.

And I know many of you have said this already as well ❤ So all credit where appropriate 🤗

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