1/4 Been pondering what we do and how we do it, inspired by recent threads by @GIMaPreceptor Epiphany-> it takes longer to do the right thing than not to. Consider...
2/4 Faster to click the “prescribe Z-pack” button than to do the viral uri education shtick. Faster to say “you should get a Covid shot” than to discuss why mRNA vax won’t track you. Faster to refer to surg than appeal the denial for the MRI/MRCP for the pancreatic cyst.
3/4 Yes, the definition of “right” is interpretable. But time is likely our most precious resource in practice. Competing demands, setting agendas, figuring priorities. Daily, hourly. Exhausting.
4/4 Unfortunately my epiphany came sans solutions. @GIMaPreceptor @dhpomerantz @yejnes @sagar_ankita @primarycarechat
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