Everytime I think of Ontario's Covid triage program, I grow afraid.

Afraid of losing the lives of my community because of the systemic ableism in devaluing disabled lives.

Afraid that non-disabled folks will still not take precautions bc they know the triage won't decline them.
I try not to think about it, but it's really hard not to.

Doug Ford and other selfish non disabled folks have got us to this point, but who are the ones that will suffer in direct result?

Disabled people.

I will never forgive non-disabled people for devaluing disabled lives.
That's what all of this is: the devaluation of disabled lives.

From the gov's delayed reaction – to non-disabled folks breaking health & safety policies for the sake of "freedom" or "mental health."

...but what about the mental health of the PWD who they are actively killing?
By meeting with your friends, you're devaluing disabled lives.

By going to anti-lockdown rallies, you're devaluing disabled lives.

By not acting proactively, the gov has devalued disabled lives.

Please stop devaluing us. If we're "in this together," stop openly sacrificing us.
Anyway, basically to sum this all up:

Just because you will get picked for an ICU bed/ventilator in a Covid triage, doesn't mean you can go about acting as if no one will die because of your actions.

You won't die from your actions, but someone else will.

Please think of them.
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