It’s a damn standoff in the Sugawara x Sawamura household.

At 7am they sit across from each other, a small book Daichi’s mom recommended on the smooth wood finish of the coffee table between them. Daichi’s handsome tanned face scowling as Suga tips his head to the side. +
“What do you mean ‘all of them’?”

Daichi sounds confused, and maybe a little fussed. Suga smothers his laugh, clearly his boyfriend is not happy with his answer, but what can he do?

“I mean all the love languages are my love language when it comes to you.” +
He tries to look less amused, tries to pour all the sincerity and affection he feels out through his eyes, but Daichi isn’t looking up. He’s scowling harder at the book, like it’s going to suddenly become sentient and call Suga a liar.

“But the book says-“ Daichi looks up +
accusingly, “the books says most people have two or three. How can you have all of them?”

Suga resists the urge to reach across the small chasm between them and pushes his lips together once, really making all the effort in the world to sound exactly as serious as Daichi does. +
“I don’t, not really,” Daichi visibly relaxes before Suga continues, “I just mean everything you do makes me feel happy and loved and safe, so I think that means /you/ are my love language.”

The flush that burns against Daichi’s golden skin is so sweet Suga could eat it +
but he can’t distract Daichi or Daichi won’t believe him. Those warm cinnamon eyes don’t leave his now as he asks, or rather interrogates-

“Words of Affirmation?”

“I melt like butter every time you tell me you’re proud of me or that I look nice,” Suga replies easily. +
“Quality Time?”

“I look forward to Date Days and having you all to myself all week long,” he smiles with the raise of an eyebrow.

(Not that he minds them spending Date Day this way, but usually he and Daichi plan more than a book club reading and subsequent Q&A is all) +
“Receiving Gifts?”

“You upgraded our coffee maker after I complained once and I haven’t stopped bragging to my coworkers yet,” he shares honestly. His coworkers were /very/ tired of hearing about Perfect Boyfriend Sawamura Daichi, too bad Suga isn’t tired of talking about him. +
“Physical touch??” Daichi sounds a little strained now.

“Oh come on, the moment you sit down it’s a battle for who gets your lap first- me or the cat. The fact that we’re across from each other is a testament only of my respect for this conversation.” His wink is cheeky, but +
he doesn’t move from his seat across from Daichi.

Daichi runs a hand over his eyes, feeling the first wave of exhausted defeat as he grumbles out, “Acts of Service?”

Suga’s grin widens impossibly further. “You bring me coffee in the morning and tea at night. You never let +
me skip a meal or a phone call with our friends, and don’t think I haven’t noticed my desk being /much/ tidier than I left it in the morning.”

Daichi groans, but there’s no heat to it. “You’re killing me, Sug.”

And now Suga does give in, moving over the table to wrap himself +
around those strong shoulders and broad back, nuzzling his always-a-little-bit-cold-nose against Daichi’s cheek.

“What, Dai? You really didn’t believe I love everything about you?”

Daichi huffs a fond laugh, one that sends warm liquid honey through Suga’s veins, +
“No, that’s not it at all you perfect little monster.”

He lifts one arm up, wrapping it around Suga’s waist to pull him in close and drop a kiss on the soft starlight of his hair.

Suga breathes out an affronted gasp even as he nestles in +
closer to Daichi’s soft rumble.

“It’s Date Day, right?”

Suga nods against Daichi’s chest happily.

“Well, I had five different dates planned depending on which language you felt was your top one, but if you don’t have a top one ...” +
he trails off and Suga can hear the smile in the sound. He pulls back to look at it anyways, that sweet, sappy grin Daichi only ever wears for him (and the cat).

That one eyebrow raises again as he parrots back, “Five dates? You planned five dates?”

Daichi’s grin is a +
charming combination of bashful and proud. Suga could eat him.

He resists, truly a pillar of strength and willpower, and bounces off the couch- all but springing for the front door.

Turning around, he lets out a chiming laugh at the confusion resting on Daichi’s
brow again.

“Well?” He asks, “What are we waiting for? We have five dates to get to!”

And as his entire body is lifted up and forward with the force of his affection, Daichi realizes maybe /his/ love language is a little different, too. If Suga’s is all the languages,
then maybe Daichi’s love language is just one. And not even one in the book. Maybe his love language is putting /that/ smile and /that/ glow on Suga’s face in any way he can.

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