Compulsory cisgenderism is why I didn’t know I was trans until adulthood. The people “just asking questions” want trans people who can survive if they suppress their gender to live as cis.
This is how they rationalize to themselves they’re not monsters. In the most extreme cases where there’s no uncertainty and EXTREME dysphoria, they say, sure, those select few who are “trans enough” can transition. But no one else.
Nevermind if accessing medical care would make you feel happier and more at home in your body. They only think young people should transition if they cannot survive going through the puberty of the gender assigned to them at birth.
This is a value judgement. They are saying it is better to be cis than it is to be trans. Which is why several of them support conversion therapy and think trans people should be dissuaded from transitioning. That’s bullshit!
It’s wild to me so many of the leading anti-trans voices that are taken seriously by the left are gay/lesbian! Like do they not hear how they are weaponizing anti-gay rhetoric against trans people? The complete lack of self awareness is STUNNING.
It’s wild to me a lot of them think people are trans because of stigma against lesbian and gay people. Like...have you seen the transphobia out here?
Like not to play privilege olympics, but that’s what they’re doing...and there are just way more attacks on trans people than people with sexualities other than straight. Stigma exists still, gay and lesbian folks face discrimination!
But the idea that someone would go on to be trans because of stigma around being gay and lesbian is laughably out of touch with reality!
Compulsory cisgenderism actually leads many trans people the first think they are gay/lesbian (though MANY of us are both trans an lesbian, gay or bisexual).
And compulsory cisgenderism also keeps young people from considering what’s possible for themselves. Like we should want ALL people to live as authentically as possible.
It’s so powerful, even if your cis, to question and be confident in who you are and your gender. Like being in touch with that is empowering for EVERYONE. Not just trans people.
End compulsory cisgenderism. It’s bad for everyone! 🙃
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