ADVICE #4: Similarly, don't lewd MINOR-CODED CHARACTERS.

A Minor-coded character is a character who is considered an "adult" but exhibits so many childlike traits that it doesn't matter if they're an adult or not since they're coded by the writer to be a child and thus,➨
promotes pedophilia and child porn. Typical traits of a minor coded character include:

➨ Childlike appearance. The "1000 year old dragon" excuse if you will.
➨ Childlike hobbies. If they play toys or exhibits ome more childlike traits, this is a red flag if they are➨
minor-coded or not.
➨Their height. Any girl under 5'7 is basically a red flag for being minor coded since that's around the common height for children.

This applies to canon characters and OCs.
ADVICE #5: Gruesome violence is a huge no-no in roleplay.

This one is a hot take but it is a correct hot take: Do not do overly violent roleplays on Twitter. Twitter will see it as a death threat but more importantly, it will open up trauma to someone on the timeline➨
and give them an anxiety attack over it. Some people have been violently abused so even fight roleplays can trigger anxiety and attacks in them.

Even if your series is known to be violent like Danganronpa or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, don't do it or you are a huge Onion.
You can follow @WashireRPAdvice.
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