If you are uncomfortable with or confused about trans issues as it conflicts with how you were taught about gender, you are not alone!

What we've been taught is wrong or too simplistic.

The science is *way more* complicated than the xx / xy story we got in school biology.
Changing how we view something as essential to identity as gender can be scary & deeply uncomfortable.

I have had my own moments of questioning & self-interrogation about my gender identity & had to revise a lot of beliefs I had about how the world works.

It is *hard*!

I urge us to be aware of our need to feel comfortable can tempt us to deny the needs of real people whose reality may force us to challenge these beliefs.

These real people are being *harmed* because of our collective ignorance & refusal to change with new information.
Politicians are *using* this discomfort & ignorance for political gain. In the US, trans youth & adults are being attacked as a way for the GOP to regain some of the power they have lost.

Cursory looks at their arguments shows they have *no basis in reality*.

Please, be aware of how we cis folks are being targeted to get us to demonize & fear people - trans folks - who are already highly marginalized & disenfranchised - and a tiny % of the population anyway.

Why? Who is being served by this hate towards trans folks?

I leave this image, as it was what triggered me to write this thread.

Cis folks, do not allow yourself to be a pawn in harming others.
Trans folks, we see your fear and pain. And will fight for you.
You can follow @siobhangreen.
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