One of my very favorite concepts in the infinite ocean of metaphor is kintsukuroi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with resin mixed with precious metals. The repaired object is both stronger and more beautiful than the original. 👇
Kintsukuroi is a reminder that things are worth fixing, and not simply to recoup losses.
Kintsukuroi is a reminder that much of life should be spent fixing things that are broken, in ourselves, in others, in the world around us.
Kintsukuroi is a reminder that no matter how broken we feel at times, our brokenness is ultimately no more than an expression of our beauty.
Kintsukuroi is a reminder that every setback can make us stronger and better in a way that only a setback can.
Kintsukuroi is a reminder that life is messy, that evolution is a series of mistakes, that growth in resilience is inevitable, unstoppable, automatic.
Someday I would love to own one of these objects or make one myself. I can't think of a more beautiful or hopeful artistic expression of the truth of lived experience.
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